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  • Lores Vlaminck - Care When There is No Cure for Patients with End Stage Diseases

    Harold was a patient with metastatic bowel cancer – he had just months to live. Over his lifetime, he had been instrumental in transforming acres of farmland into the village that he grew to love. This legacy was extremely important to Harold.

    Original price was: $219.99.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Angelica Dizon - Understanding Pathophysiology

    Few things in health care have as direct an impact on patient care as pathophysiology – it’s the “whys” of what happens during disease and what we must do to treat it. By having a solid understanding of pathophysiology, you can provide an accurate, speedy assessment and treatment for your patient.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $64.00.
  • Lee-Anne Gray - Self-Compassion for Teens

    The techniques you will learn to cultivate self-compassion in teens are short and easy to apply teachings and activities that promote adolescents’ academic success and social emotional wellness.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Chad C. Hensel - Pharmacology for the Rehabilitation Professional

    Many patients being referred to therapy are taking prescription and/or over-the-counter medications. Although many of these medications are directly related to their therapy diagnosis, some may not be. What should you know about clinical pharmacology to manage them effectively?

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $64.00.
  • Cyndi Zarbano - Pharmacology for The Bedside Nurse

    Relax; expert, Cyndi Zarbano, MSN-Ed, CCRN, CEN, PCCN, CMSRN, CLNC, NLCP, has done all the reading and research for you! She’ll provide you with the most up-to-date information and give you tools and strategies to ensure that you understand “why and when” a certain medication is prescribed, what the potential side effects are and what to do if life-threatening complications occur.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Jennifer Wilke Deaton - ODD

    It’s guaranteed… this recording will guide you through focused, clear and successful methods for treating children. You will walk away with evidence-based techniques that will not only re-energize your practice but also help your clients to

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $64.00.
  • DIGITAL SEMINAR - Fall Prevention Challenges Real Solutions to Reduce Falls. Prevent Injuries and Limit Liability
    • Which fall prevention interventions are effective – and which are not?
    • Tips to effectively manage your high risk & challenging patients
    • The must-have tools for an effective multidisciplinary fall prevention program
    • Identify risk: The latest guidelines for fall risk assessments
    • New technology available to prevent falls and limit injury
    • Comprehensive patient evaluations following a fall
    Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $31.00.
  • Marcia Gamaly - Essential Rhythm Interpretation Skills for Nurses

    Your patient has just arrived onto the unit, and you are placing them on the remote telemetry pack. The telemetry monitor at the nursing station is ringing loudly, and you hear your name being called about your patient’s rhythm. Panic sets in….

    Original price was: $219.99.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Ross LaBossiere - Effective Mindfulness Interventions for Rehab

    Our job as therapists is not only to treat, but to provide tools to support treatment between visits, and to teach preventative maintenance for the future. This recording

    Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $35.00.
  • Jerry Hoepner - Cognitive Rehabilitation Strategies for Effective Evaluation & Treatment

    Develop increased sensory awareness of your interconnectedness to nature and plants. Practice body-based meditation to feel your biological unity beyond a conceptual level. Study the four levels of using herbs in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine, from medical to spiritual.

    Original price was: $109.00.Current price is: $28.00.
  • David Crow - Medicinal plants & Spiritual Evolution

    Develop increased sensory awareness of your interconnectedness to nature and plants. Practice body-based meditation to feel your biological unity beyond a conceptual level. Study the four levels of using herbs in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine, from medical to spiritual.

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $48.00.
  • Cognitive & Memory Decline in the Aging Brain Effective Assessment & Intervention

    Tools to differentiate between normal vs. abnormal memory/cognitive loss that occurs because of the aging process File size: 2 GB

    Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $35.00.
  • Roger Jahnke - Qi Medicine Advanced Training

    Benefit more fully from Qi Medicine through entrancing movements — and self-massage — which can transform pain, insomnia, stress, and disease into vitality, health, and JOY.

    Explore spiritual practices that empower you to cultivate your most powerful medicine from within, enabling you to embody and express radiant wellbeing.

    Original price was: $794.00.Current price is: $86.00.
  • Personal Celebration Course

    Friendly and comfortable people will guide you to experience peace as you listen to the audio sets of BEING, DOING, HAVING, and GETTING. You will gain freedom from File size:156.9 MB

    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $8.00.
  • Martha Beck - The Four-Day Win

    Everyone knows how to lose weight: eat less, move more. But though they know what to do, millions of dieters don’t do what they know.

    Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $14.00.
  • Antoine campbell - VA MASTERY

    Everything you need to know about managing virtual assistants

    Class Curriculum

    Finding and Managing a Team of Rockstar VAs

    Original price was: $929.00.Current price is: $119.00.
  • David Snyder - Secrets of Personality Transformation 1.0

    Who Else Wants To Learn 7 Clinically Proven Secret Methods For Controlling Your Subconscious Mind, Removing Blocks To Your Success, Becoming A Relationship Magnet and Easily Program Your Mind To Be, Do Or Get Anything You Want…

    Original price was: $897.00.Current price is: $89.00.
  • Sara Crow

    Delivery Method: Deliver digital download link to your email after successful payment

    Discover How to Optimize Your Life Force and Nourish Your Body, Mind and Spirit Through Plants. Are you tired or stressed? Is your body tense? Are you experiencing erratic fluctuations in your energy levels, hormones or sleep patterns?

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.
  • Carol Tuttle - Soulprint Healing For Affluence

    Introducing An Extraordinary Healing Course To Support Your Souls Expansion

    Discover A Powerful Healing Framework To Eliminate All Old & Outdated Energetic Influences And Turn On A Life Of Affluence & Contribution That You Truly Deserve

    Join Master Healer Carol Tuttle On This Journey To Affluence A 12-Week Soulprint Healing Course Packed With Advanced Strategies To Unlock The Life Youre Meant To Live

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $47.00.
  • Robert Moss - Shamanic Approaches to Death

    Discover advanced shamanic practices to journey to the Other Side and access helpful and timely communication from the departed for your healing and theirs.

    Meet death as an ally, learn to live and die without regrets, and enjoy clarity, courage and superabundant energy — both now and in the afterlife.

    Are you intrigued by the possibility of communicating with people who have passed?

    Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $104.00.
  • Amy Myers - Thyroid Connection Summit

    Many cultures and traditions point to this moment in our lives were there will be great changes. Some call it The Golden Age, others call it The Ascension. Well, what is The File size: 100.4 MB

    Original price was: $555.00.Current price is: $66.00.
  • Mark Divine - Unbeatable Mind Academy

    You’ve always been one to push yourself.You know it takes hard work and dedication to reach your goals.

    Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $89.00.
  • The Living Enneagram - Jessica Dibb

    Immerse yourself in the guiding wisdom of the Enneagram — to radically transform self-limiting patterns and heal core wounds.

    Embody the essential qualities of your type (and the other 8 types) in your spiritual practice, life purpose, and relationships.

    You’ve identified (and perhaps you’re also acutely aware of!) some of the challenging patterns of your basic Enneagram type…

    Original price was: $397.00.Current price is: $62.00.
  • Kelsey Aida - Manifesting Masterclass

    Imagine what it would feel like if you could manifest all the things you’ve been dreaming of…

    And by manifest, I basically mean, THINK things into existence. INVITE them into your life using your good vibes. FOCUS them into being real.

    Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $123.00.
  • Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson - Elite Athletic Development Seminar 3.0 (EADS 3.0)

    Sponsored in part by PLAE Sports Performance Flooring,
    Hammer Strength, Intek Strength and Iron Grip Barbell

    If you’re a strength and conditioning coach who is serious about taking their skills to the next level, then you’ll want to know about this seminar.

    • Are you tired of attending seminars or reading articles by “coaches” who don’t really coach?
    • Do you want to attend a course that maximizes your continuing education dollars?
    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $56.00.
  • Catherine M. Pittman - Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional Training Course

    Advances in neuroscience have provided a roadmap for the brain that shows us the key to working with anxious minds. But knowing how to interpret the complex map neuroscience provides has left many clinicians wondering…

    Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $111.00.
  • Susan Hamre - Autism in the Hospital

    Whether the medical appointment is scheduled or it’s a trip to the emergency room the hospital can be a sensory minefield for someone with autism causing them to spiral toward a terrifying meltdown. Sedation and four-point restraint are not practical solutions.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Rosale Lobo - Nursing Negligence

    Jessica attended a nursing program with stellar faculty and great internships. She had always heard, “if you don’t document, you will get in trouble”. No one could explain what that meant. During her orientation as a new graduate, her preceptor taught her how to document the unit requirements and reassured her that writing much more was a waste of time. Jessica never questioned otherwise.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Feed for Speed & Power Evidence-Based Sports Nutrition

    Athletes are inundated with nutrition information from various, and often unreliable, sources daily. This recording will equip you with practical and reliable information for File size: 1.9 GB

    Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $31.00.
  • Jerome Quellier - Caring For Patients with Tracheostomy & Ventilator Dependency

    As medical technology and intervention evolves, more patients are faced with temporary and long-term tracheostomy/ventilation as a part of their recovery. The very presence of a tracheostomy tube may elicit visceral reaction to secretion management and dehumanize the patient who is unable to exercise their decision making capacity, orally communicate their needs, and interact socially with staff or family.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Pediatric Crisis - Mastering Rapid Assessment Skills & Unique Treatment Challenges

    You are caring for a child who presents with severe dyspnea, stridor, retractions, and cyanosis following a snack at daycare. On the monitor, the child’s heartrate is File size: 1.8 GB

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $51.00.
  • Jamie Otremba - OB Emergencies

    Jamie’s extensive experiences in high risk obstetrics have provided her with keen insight into these often challenging and frightening situations. She is eager to share with you many of the effective interventions that she has acquired throughout her career.

    Original price was: $219.00.Current price is: $60.00.
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