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  • NICABM - How to Apply Mindfulness to Your Clinical Work

    Expert Strategies for Working with Mindfulness

    Mindfulness works.

    It can help clients reduce stress, optimize learning, and improve their relationships.

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Ronald Siegel (NICABM) - How to work with Anxiety

    Concrete Strategies to Help Your Clients Overcome Anxiety

    Anxiety can limit a person’s whole world,

    Leaving them feeling isolated and alone.

    So how do we help clients better work with their anxiety so they can heal and get back their life?

    That’s why we’ve teamed up with Ron Siegel, PsyD to bring you a short course . . .

    Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $31.00.
  • Tom Kenyon - The Hathor Material

    Revised and Expanded Edition with 2 CDs From Back Cover: We are the Hathors. We are masters of sound and love from an ascended intergalactic civilization. As we once assisted in Egypt and other ancient cultures, we have returned to assist in humanity’s current potential evolution.

    We come in love, with the sounding of a new dream reality for your Earth. You are poised at a momentous time in the history of consciousness on this planet. something is occuring that has never occurred before, and it is a joy for us to participate with you once again and to enter into your conscious awareness.

  • Byron Katie - Mental Cleanse 2011-2012

    Join us in Ojai or join us live online as Byron Katie answers questions and does The Work daily with participants onsite. Katie’s deep insights and humor, her total accessibility, and her untiring commitment to your freedom are some of the reasons this annual event has become an eagerly anticipated tradition.

    Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Chris Cains - Miracle Mind Method

    You want to know if it’s a scam or if these methods can actually change your life in the same way that has been described. You want to read a real Miracle Mind Method review from someone that has actually used these methods. You want the truth and I hope to give that to you.First, you can read my full Miracle Mind Method review on my blog. I go over come of my results of using Chris Cains methods in pretty good detail but I’ll give you a little taste of that here also. I started using the Miracle Mind Method off an on for the past nine months or so. You might ask “then why aren’t you a millionaire or why aren’t you living the life of your dreams?” I’ll tell you that although I’m not a millionaire and my relationship hasn’t flourished into all that I wished it could be, this is my own fault.

  • MICHA - Master Classes in The Michael Chekhov Technique

    The DVD’s bring to life all the essential elements of the Michael Chekhov technique in a way which is clear, engaging, practical and dynamic. It is a unique and essential training tool for all teachers, students, actors and directors and a copy should be in every library in every institution. Produced by the Michael Chekhov Association, the classes feature many of the world€™s

    Original price was: $159.60.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Christine Day - Language of Light Module III - Masterclass

    This course is available now – Download it now
    Course Description: The systems of your body will go through a cellular rejuvenation as you anchor new aspects of light within your cells, and you realign back into your unlimited potential for self-healing.
    All will be sent via email after you sign up.

    Original price was: $295.00.Current price is: $54.00.
  • Chrls Guillebeau - Working For Yourself

    This morning I’m leaving Brisbane, Australia to fly to Nauru, the world’s smallest republic. Long-time readers may remember that  was disrupted due to a visa problem which resulted in my first visit down under. I LOVE everything about Australia—we’re planning a whole tour down this way later in the year—and I’m also glad about finally getting to Nauru.

    Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $35.00.
  • Laura Silva - Silva Manifesting

    The Most Unreliable Science in the Universe?

    You already know that your thoughts become things-and that your mind is the key to your ideal reality. But let’s be real — if the science of manifesting really is the key to all the abundance, health and love your mind can imagine…Why is your life still a roller coaster of ups and downs? And why aren’t you already living your ideal reality?

    We’ll show you exactly why in the next few lines, but first…

    Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $14.00.
  • Dain Heer - Global Access Bars® Class - November 2012 - Marina del Rey. California

    Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? What if in just one day you can learn this simple hands on modality and have an easy to use tool for increased nurturing and awareness for the rest of your life?

    Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Kyle Hoobin - Facing The Mirror - Relationship Class

    In each of these 21 video sessions, I will work with you directly, just as if we’re working together one-on-one, and show you how to achieve the goals you have always been looking for by bringing together all of Lester’s advanced teachings that give you real results.

    Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $31.00.
  • Ananta Kranti - Worthing Intensive (2017)

    During this Profound Weekend Intensive there were many beautiful Realizations and recognitions, deep openings and the release of old and limiting beliefs, all amidst much love and laughter, and also some tears!

    Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Macaya Miracle - Enhance Your Senses

    Create beautiful pages and funnels that are pre-designed to walk your traffic through each step of the sales process, and convert them from “visitors” into actual paying customers who benefit from your products…

    Original price was: $155.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Eric Thompson - Golden Proportion Silent Video

    To be clear, this energy does NOT actually reduce the amount of radiation produced by electronic devices. It DOES, however, transmute the NATURE of that radiation on the quantum level, such that it is no longer harmful to living systems.

    Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $24.00.
  • Jeanine Blackwell - Create 6-Figure Courses Virtual Bootcamp March 2016

    Why create a profitable online course NOW? 
    You can move beyond the time for money hustle. 
    You are ready to move from trading $ for hours to an unlimited stream of “mailbox money” (sales that arrive in your inbox while you’re creating value elsewhere in your business).  Your online course will provide an “evergreen” source of revenue AND a steady stream of ideal clients into your higher-end programs and services.

    Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $79.00.
  • Mike Mahler - Advanced Kettlebell Training And Hormone Optimization

    Mike Mahler is a strength trainer and hormone optimization researcher based in Las Vegas, NV. Mike has been in the fitness industry for over thirteen years and has taught workshops all over the US and overseas. His current focus is on the field of hormone optimization via nutrition, training, nutrition supplements, and lifestyle.

    Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $24.00.
  • Real Subliminal - Anger Management

    Perhaps you feel that you can’t change? That you have reached a dead end? Or you just don’t know where to turn? Don’t give up; you do not have to live the rest of your life like this!

  • Logan Christopher - Secrets of the Handstand Qukkstart 2-0

    The goal of this book is to get you to hold one for 30 seconds. If you follow the steps you will get there. You’ll still have to put in some work, but it won’t be nearly as hard as what I had to go through.

  • Michelle Dozots - Peak 10 More Cardio Interval Bum

    Michelle’s peak progressive intervals are smarter than that because their unique blend of cardio and strength moves are sequenced to trick your body into performing at a higher level. Without realizing it, each stage will take you a little further, push you a little harder and help you reach a higher level than you could with a traditional workout.

    Original price was: $34.39.Current price is: $16.00.
  • Garrett J White - Warrior Black Book

    When You Secure Your Personal Copy of the WarriorBook Below – TODAY – I Will Also Ship You a Personal Copy of the “BE THE MAN” Book for FREE…

    PLUS, You’ll Get Unlimited, Instant Access for FREE to the Daily Fire & Fuel Where You’ll Get 20-Minutes of Daily Training SUPER-FOCUSED & Relevant to YOU Producing BIG-ASS-RESULTS Living the Warrior’s Way of HAVING IT ALL!

    Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $35.00.
  • Calisthenics Academy - Calisthenics Fundamentals Course

    Through comprehensive athlete assessment we identify exactly where you are at and create a fully a personalised training program just for you. Each workout you are pushed a little bit more unlocking new levels of strength, flexibility, mobility which then unlock new movements as you go along.

    Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $22.00.
  • Joshua Bloom - The Ultimate Answer Is Inside

    We have all … been searching for it –and have been looking for it in the wrong places.We show you The Ultimate Answer –where it  lives — and where it has always been …

  • Cheryl Sanders - Following The Organism in TRE

    Cheryl Sander combines her training in Somatic Experiencing, knowledge of the PolyVagal Theory and experience as a TRE Trainer in this very insightful 1-hour video.

    Her expertise and comfort with this balanced approach to clients are clearly evident and useful for all TRE Providers.

    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $13.00.
  • Ryan DeBell - The Movement Fix - Modifying Workouts For Athletes With Pain

    When an athlete, patient, or client has pain with certain lifts and exercises, we can do so much for them by appropriately altering their workout. The key is knowing which modifications make sense and have the most similar training stimulus to the lift they want to perform. This isn’t necessarily a modification as much as it is a pain-free training option.

    Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $75.00.
  • Ajahn Brahmavamso - Finding Happiness In Life

    Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Ajahn Brahmavamso – Finding Happiness In Life Course at CourseAvai. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

  • Paul Mascetta - Code of Influence

    When the target is processing information centrally (and paying very close attention to the message) you can adapt your presentation to the target based on specific traits such as their basic human need, personality type, and decision-making process.

  • Higher Balance Institute - In Between

    Which is why Eric is teaching a Live, 2-hour class every month. You’ll learn new techniques, practice and connect with the Higher Balance community, and create a tuning fork effect that resonates and creates a ripple effect on you for the rest of the month.

    Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $14.00.
  • Les Mills - CXWORX 5

    Exercising muscles around the core, CXWORX provides the vital ingredient for a stronger body. A stronger core makes you better at all things you do, from everyday life to your favorite sports – it’s the glue that holds everything together.

    Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $24.00.
  • Kit básico
    • Técnica de confusión muscular que acelera los resultados de proceso por la constante introducción de movimientos y rutinas para que tu cuerpo nunca se estanque.
    Original price was: $139.80.Current price is: $25.00.
  • Peter Turner - Jinxed

    This new DVD set is Peter Turner’s latest and most practical work to be presented to the magic community. As with much of his material, it’s not intended to be owned by everyone.

    Only 700 sets will ever be produced.

    Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Christian Thibaudeau - High-frequency bodybuilding program

    “The approach used in this newest program is one of my personal favorites.  The high frequency model is not about the number of training sessions per week but rather about the number of times you train each muscle during the week.

    Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $22.00.
  • Joanna Wiebe - Copy Hackers - The 10x Freelance Copywriter

    For years I’d felt like I was doing something wrong when I worked hours that other people at boring day jobs didn’t work. I’d roll my eyes and excuse my crazy day with dismissive comments like, “Yeah, I work too much.” And then I’d head to my desk after dinner and work there until bedtime. Blissfully.

    Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $133.00.
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