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  • Tom Anderson - How To Have Sex: The Complete Sex Guide Package

    If you choose physical shipping you will receive your digital items inside a our DVDs. Digital Items are better than physical ones becacuse they can be downloaded right away for immediate use and you will always be able to access them, without worrying about losing your purchase because of disk damage or other reasons. As not everyone is confortable with digital items we provide a service to deliver PHYSICAL DISK(s) containing the Digital Items.

    Original price was: $47.38.Current price is: $26.00.
  • Vince Kelvin - Lethal Life Skills

    10 Top Self-Help Lessons for Seduction, Survival, & Success That Totally Changed My Life! AND GUARANTEED…YOURS!

    Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $28.00.
  • Alison Armstrong - The Heart of Partnership

    Relationships are haphazardly formed by expectations rarely examined, spoken or aligned upon. Instead, the basis of our interactions is unconscious, implied, inferred, assumed and withheld — right up until the moment our expectations are failed, disappointed or betrayed.

    Original price was: $795.00.Current price is: $100.00.
  • Yat Wah Cheung - Unique Powerful Secret Qigong

    Intercourse time lasts more than 60 minutes!That it does seem hard to believe. However, the proof is in the performance and Master Cheung has been teaching the secret sexual Qigong for more than 20 years. Truly is a miracle…you will see the results you never thought possible.

  • David Snyder - People Reading For Fun And Profit

    This is a fun course that is useful across a variety of contexts, including dating, seduction, business, social, and more. If you are looking to better understand people and better understand the world around you, then People Reading for Fun And Profit is an extremely useful course for you.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $73.00.
  • Hans Comyn - The Way of a Seducer

    And yet, nearly always, seduction is articulated as a mere means to an end. Its exploration, almost exclusively, tries to answer the question ‘What works?’. We seem interested in seduction only as far as it provides us with the tools to take from the other what we covertly desire.

    Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $11.00.
  • Johnathan White - Multi-Orgasmic Man

    Notice that during sexual stimulation, you will likely have involuntary contractions in the PC muscle when the penis is stimulated. This often pushes you closer to the point of ejaculation. When you can keep the pelvic floor completely relaxed during stimulation, you will never hit the point of ejaculation, and you can experience INCREDIBLE levels of pleasure without ejaculating. I teach simple, but powerful methods to train the pelvic floor to stay relaxed even during intense sexual stimulation.

    Original price was: $7,895.00.Current price is: $237.00.
  • Helena Nista - Legendary Lover for Men

    The LEGEND methodology will take you through 6 steps of in-depth learning and practical techniques in order to help you become the best lover you can possibly be. This system is only for committed men who are ready to take their lovemaking to the next level of intense connection, deep intimacy, ecstatic pleasure and greater mutual satisfaction. This is the best investment you will ever make in your lovemaking skills.

    Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $94.00.
  • Introduction To SS Walk-ups from Ross Jeffries Pre Seminar

    1. Ritual 2. Pre-opener 3. Opener 4. Pacing the reality

    Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $37.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - Stealth Persuasion Program

    Before you complete today’s order, I just want to make sure you have everything you need. I have found that many of my students who complete this course, come back sooner or later (in most cases sooner THAN later) wanting to apply similar concepts and practices and gain success in ALL walks of life.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - Speed Seduction 5.0 (Compressed)

    Digital Download Immediately

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $31.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - Speed Seduction 1.0 Basic Home Study Course from


    Jeffries is known best for his ‘speed seduction’ materials.  He was an innovator in the PUA community, being one of the first to bring his materials to the web, start newsletters (some included here) and make the first attempts at widespread knowledge of PUA skillsets.

    Ross exclusively uses NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as well as a bit of hypnosis in his teachings.  And he is not shy about laying out his ultimate goal… to get you laid with any woman you want.

    Original price was: $227.00.Current price is: $52.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - Speed Seduction - Methods and Masters Gold Walkups

    In this CD, yours truly, the Master of Muff, Ross J spills the beans on how to meet women anytime, anywhere. Over an hour of me telling you all about:

    * How To Meet Women Who Are Jogging, Biking or Blading: The Incredible “STOP” Method

    * How To Do The Incredible 90 Second Pick-up: Word For Word What To Say From Start To Finish To Get Her Attention, Introduce Yourself, And Get The Number In 90 Seconds! (Vital for when you’re both in a hurry and don’t have time for “small talk”.)

    Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $11.00.
  • Ross Jeffries-Pickup Strippers

    Simply put Ross Demonstrates on Strippers.Watch the Guru in action.Skeptics watch this & get cured.

    Treat a lady like hooker and a hooker like a lady, an old Ross product yet still can teach you a couple of things plus you get to see some strippers.

    Original price was: $182.00.Current price is: $38.00.
  • Subliminal Shop - Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.3.1-D

    This experimental program is designed to do adult things and contains adult material that requires personal responsibility and maturity. If you are not legally an adult, it is therefore illegal for you to purchase and/or use this program. If you do not have the ability to be mature and take personal responsibility, do not use this experimental program.

    Original price was: $114.00.Current price is: $33.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - MindFrame Persuasion

    If you are ready to blow your competition out of the water and command near “Jedi like” powers of persuasion in every walk of life, from corporate presentations, to courtroom arguments, to public speaking, face to face selling, and writing money-sucking, hypnotic copy, then your decision to order your copy of the Mindframe Persuasion Home Study Course…

    Original price was: $245.00.Current price is: $51.00.
  • Ross Jeffries - Magick Remote Inuence Seminar - Los Angeles March 2012

    Here’s Exactly What I Mean By Magick

    Magick, as defined by Aleister Crowley (one of the fathers of the modern practice) has nothing to do with rubbing lamps and getting wishes granted by genies. Magick means,

    “Change according to the will.”

    It is the structured use of personal ritual, symbology, movement, and breath to:

    Original price was: $356.00.Current price is: $52.00.
  • Magic Leone - Advanced Seduction And Persuasion Tactics

    Men who were never getting laid were now getting regular sex, men who had previously had “a little” success were now getting double, even triple the hookups and a fair share of men had found really hot girlfriends. One guy was even dating two girls at the same time! And here are a few of my favorite success stories…

    Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $60.00.
  • Vin DiCarlo - Dominant Sexual Power

    The program is based on four concepts: Vision, Compliance, Shaping and Sexual Tension. These are described and explained in the audio package you receive when you buy the product.

    Throughout the 12 weeks that follow, you receive ‘video coaching’ episodes featuring Vin DiCarlo. Each is of between 30 minutes and 1 hour long. In these he gives you tips on implementing the four concepts and answers some questions from users of the course.

    Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Vince Kelvin - Secrets of Transitioning to Sex

    In the span of your whole life, and for all the women to come, how much is this worth it to you? Well, as much as any wise man will agree that it is priceless, or at least worth thousands of dollars (especially if we count the money saved on porn and prostitutes lol), but rest assured, VK has not been named the “Robin Hood” of pickup for nothing, he likes to give and he extends to the first 50 to act on this now, the incredibly generous gift of letting you have his wealth of knowledge, over 23 years in the making, of hard work, research and fucking, for just…

    Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $30.00.
  • Wendi Friesen - Living Large

    8) Brain Blue Print (Future) – Next, you will take the imprint for growth and move it through three future moments, at one month, two months and three months in the future. Your brain will lock the imprint in place to create a belief that you will expand your length and girth.

    Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • Kevin Nations - Prospect Seduction Blueprint 2.0

    Kevin Nations 
    Prospect Seduction Blueprint 2.0

    You’ll learn PRECISELY how to… 1. Craft your Compelling Offer that Attracts Prospects like HUGE Magnets!

    And how to IMMEDIATELY Position Yourself as an EXPERT commanding the Highest Fees!

    2. Leverage your Service so you can Raise your Fees AND Reduce your Time spent on Service Delivery. 3. Build a Prospect Seduction Roadmap for a ONE on NE Conversation that converts in a SINGLE CALL or MEETING

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $45.00.
  • AMP - Authentic Sexual Power

    Imagine what it would be like if any woman you were sexually attracted to automatically responded to you in a way that would tell you she was interested and turned on by you, too.

    Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $21.00.
  • AMP - Sexual Energy Mastery Complete

    What would it be worth to you, to finally be able to have true choice about when to ejaculate – to be able to ride the rolling waves of sensation and orgasmic energy with your lover, WHEREVER she goes, and that YOU are in the driver’s seat, and in control of your own body’s response…?

    Original price was: $275.00.Current price is: $14.00.
  • AMP - Authentic Conversation Skills Part I and Part II

    “Inner Game Training Download of the Month Authentic Conversation Skills Pt. 1

    This month we explore Authentic Conversation Skills. Decker gives loads of killer examples of how

    Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $14.00.
  • Authentic Man Program - Getting Her World

    Getting Her World is basically 3 programs in one, Karina, Jennifer and Kendra, about 9 hours in total. Originally, we were going to sell each of the 3 programs (Karina, Jennifer, and Kendra) separately.

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $12.00.
  • Extreme Sex Drive Complete - Jason Julious

    Attention Men: Having Sex Once Or Twice A Week Is Not Enough…
    “How To Boost Your Sex Drive In Less Than 24 Hours By Implementing A Few Simple Tweaks To Your Daily Routine…”

    Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $24.00.
  • Adam Gilad - The Boldness Bundle

    I’ve put together an amazing discounted package of my programs as my gift to YOU for being an action taker and joining us for the Boldness Code.
    In this package, I’m going to give you:
    • Everything you need to know about approach…
    • Everything you need to know about how to attract her online…
    • Everything you need to know about how to be the best lover she ever had…
    Being successful with women comes with your mastery of very specific skills. This “Boldness Bundle” package gives you these skills…

    Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $25.00.
  • Tony Ruca - The Alpha System

    The First And Only System In Existence That Quickly And 
    Forcefully Imprints Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem And 
    Plain Raw Alpha-Ness Directly Into Your

    Nervous System 

    Its like loading a computer with raw dataso, without conscious effort, you can download whatever attributes and personality traits that you want, as well as amazingly advanced seduction skills straight into your unconscious mind. And, youll do it

    Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $22.00.
  • Supercharge Your Sex LIfe - Jordan Gray GB

    Digital Download Immediately

  • Jason Capital - Make Women Want You Unleashed

    Jason I’ll never be able to pay you back for what you’ve done for me. Yeah I’ve banged some hot girls and learned awesome game but that’s scratching the surface. You introduced me into the world of self improvement and drastically changed my life. I think if it would have been anyone else’s youtube channel I stumbled across two years ago I wouldn’t have stuck with it. You saved my life Jason. Thank you.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $71.00.
  • Jason Capital - Creating Sexual Tension

    It started on Day 1, when I shared with you the entire 22-page tale of my escapades with red bull-vodka (I think some models and NFL cheerleaders were there too).

    Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $21.00.
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