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  • Joey Yap - Real Feng Shui Recorded Conference

    In this 2 days conference, you will have an outlook into auditing your own house and making small modifications to your property to tap into the timely and positive Qi of Period 8. You will also be reasonably well-versed in the basics of Classical Feng Shui

    Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $28.00.
  • David Tian - Lifestyle Mastery

    Bonus Module on the most advanced material David’s ever created. This Bonus 9th Module on “The Meaning of Life” is advanced material David only gives to his $10K Mastermind members, but he’s giving it away as a bonus to Lifestyle Mastery students today ($10,000 Value)

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $71.00.
  • Jim Kwik - Crash Course - Reading

    What if you could save yourself 20 hours per week?

    Discover easily digestible, time-proven methods to read faster, improve focus, and boost comprehension instantly.

    Crunched for time? You can go through Jim’s live brain training behind closed doors in just one day.

    You’ll be shocked by how many hours you can regain in your life when you double or triple your reading speed.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $92.00.
  • David Tian - 10 Weeks to Freedom

    This revolutionary new program is for any guy who is single and wants to attract women to and by his authentic self, and it’s for any guy interested in a relationship or currently in a relationship who desires to learn how to ignite, rekindle, or grow the sexual and emotional passion in his relationships with women.

    Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $38.00.
  • Jim Benson - Personal Life Media - Multi-Orgasmic Lover
    Hey Guys!
    Would you like to feel relaxed and confident in bed, with the ability to ride the waves of sensation and pleasure with your lover — knowing you are in the driver’s seat and in control of your own body’s response?

    How about knowing that you could have multiple, non-ejaculatory orgasms at will during sex, and that her pleasure was multiplied as well — because it was linked to yours?

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $38.00.
  • Jesse Elder - The 12 Rituals 2.0

    Now You Can Be Among The Elite Group of Self Aware Individuals Who Are Tapped Into The Most Powerful Energy Source In The Universe – Your Purpose.

    We live in an action obsessed world.

    People are conditioned to use action as a cure all.

    Original price was: $1,100.00.Current price is: $137.00.
  • Jesse Elder - The Upgraded Life 3.0

    You were taught over and over that life is a series of “If This, Then That” scenarios.

      “IF you study hard, THEN you will get good grades.”
    • “IF you get good grades, THEN you will get a good job.” 
    • “IF you get a good job, THEN you will be financially secure.”
    • “IF you are financially secure, THEN you can plan for a secure future.”
    • “IF you have a secure future, THEN you can relax a little and perhaps have some peace of mind.”
    Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $35.00.
  • Hale Dwoskin - Sedona Method - From Fear To Fearlessness

    All of us allow fear to hold us back, even if we would not consider ourselves an anxious or fearful person. It colors every decision we make. It prevents us from breaking out of patterns and taking the right actions.

    Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $52.00.
  • Carolin Hauser - The Pleasure IQ

    You move from living with your parents or having to ask your boyfriend for money every time you want to get a green drink… to being the one paying your parents’ mortgage and taking him out in style…

    Original price was: $467.00.Current price is: $90.00.
  • Carlos Xuma - Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion

    Are you ready to learn the communication
    strategies of confident men?

    Learn the Art of Conversation and
    Persuasion with Women — or anyone!

    Original price was: $24,797.00.Current price is: $47.00.
  • Callidae Manus - Spinal Manipulation Course
    • We present what this video-course contains in its 14 videos:

      • Fundamentals: You will find the bases of the spinal manipulation both in the video and in the manual
      • Fields of application: you will be able to treat successfully • Bulging discs and herniated discs, discopathies • Cervical pain, Cervicobrachialgia, Lumbar pain • Thoracic pain, sacralgia, cruralgia, sciatica • Scoliosis, Hyperfític posture • Correction of functional asymmetry in the lower limbs • Paresthesia • Neuropathic
    Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $43.00.
  • Jean Houston - Unlock Your Quantum Powers Course

    Discover The 5 Quantum Powers That Will DrawTo You The Resources, People And Skills You Need To Live A Remarkable Life And Make A Greater Difference In The World

    7-Week Digital Course Is Now Available!

    Original price was: $457.00.Current price is: $52.00.
  • Berry Fowler - Complete Certified Professional Coach Online Course

    As a student in our CPC Life Coaching course, you will learn everything you will need to provide the finest life coaching experience to every client you serve. You will learn to use a proven, results-driven life coaching system that is not only powerful in helping your clients to achieve measurable results

    Original price was: $795.00.Current price is: $85.00.
  • Tristan Truscott - The Art of Mushin Meditation Course

    Practitioners of meditation have long credited their practice as contributing to their physiological, psychological and spiritual well- being. However, only recently have scientists in the West confirmed these claims through scientific research and come up with a possible reason as to WHY this is the case.

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $54.00.
  • Charlie Weingroff - Training=Rehab

    “There’s a huge void where non-medical folks don’t have the tool(s) to work side by side with medical clinicians with the same template. Non-painful dysfunction is the FMS; you will learn how to get into those patterns with my DVD, and you will leave the painful patterns to those that are qualified. If that happens to be you anyway, all the better.

    Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $42.00.
  • Anthony Robbins - The Path to Permanent Weight Loss

    Includes: 2 audio CDs: Two new sessions with Anthony Robbins on the psychology behind what triggers weight loss and makes it last as well as a simple tool to eliminate negative urges in minutes!

    4 DVD Films: Anthony Robbins talks to four women about the inner conflicts inside them that keeps them from moving forward, that causes themto start to lose the weight and then pull back.

    Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $47.00.
  • Anthony Robbins - Living Health

    Unfortunately, most of us take our bodies for granted. It is often not until something goes wrong that we recognize our physical well being as an essential, personal priority. Your body is the foundation of all passion, drive and energy.

    Original price was: $249.00.Current price is: $58.00.
  • Natalie Bacon - Design Your Dream Life Academy

    You had big hopes and dreams growing up, but now that you’ve had most things you set out to get, you’re feeling a little lost. You’re not as happy as you thought you’d be, and you really would like more success in your life but your’e not sure how to go about getting it.

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $51.00.
  • Valentino Kohen - Invisible Game

    You’re not going to learn a bunch of lines and techniques, but instead the core behaviors and beliefs that attract women on a biological level. You’ll develop an understanding of social dynamics which allows you to get any girl, in any situation.

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $43.00.
  • Life Leap Intuition Life Mastery Program - Deluexe Plan

    ABC News Personally Offered Me A Ten Month Reality TV Show Because Of What You’re About To Discover

    Develop Sharp Intuition & Learn To Truly Attract What You Want In Your Life, Easily & Quickly

    Wherever you are in the world, The Life Mastery Program offers a step-by-step, tested and proven approach to creating a breakthrough in your life. And we show you how to apply this positive change in your relationships, wealth, and in your health.

    Original price was: $487.00.Current price is: $75.00.
  • Jason Capital - Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings
    • The step-by-step proven process we’re going to use to hockey stick your success past anything you’ve ever imagined. I’m talking ridding you of any extra work you’re wasting time on right now and putting your efforts on STEROIDS, leading to MORE MONEY for you)..
    • The simple trick to having stronger business connections and overall relationships in your life for MORE admiration, respect, recognition, and of course, the unbeatable “life juice” that comes with feeling fulfilled, ready to take on anything that comes your way..


    Original price was: $136.00.Current price is: $38.00.
  • Richard Grannon - Silence The Inner Critic System

    Unfortunately, many therapists ignore or are ignorant of the causes Richard discusses and keep you locked in the “Therapy Loop” for their own reasons. Richard’s aim is to help you solve these problems now.

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $79.00.
  • Jason Capital - CHARISMA 2017

    Special Report From Jason Capital

    All I can remember.. is the pain.

    The excruciating pain of being..

    In the moment, fighting back hot tears, I made a blood vow to myself things would be different…

    In any and every kind of society structure… school… a job… a city… a country… the world at large… there are people who seem to have it all…

    Original price was: $697.00.Current price is: $80.00.
  • Jason Capital - Achievement God 2017

    Once JC Installs The Achievement God System Into
    Your Subconscious (takes under 1 hour), You’ll:

    1. Never Fail To Achieve Another Goal Again.

    — Imagine It, No More Missing Out, No More Falling Short.


    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $61.00.
  • Jason Capital - Power Influence System

    Why? Because I had just used the very same influence technology I teach – with them.

    They were blown away.

    I want you to keep in mind Power Influence is about persuading with 1000% integrity.

    No slimy sales tactics. No cheesy gimmicks. They’re my tribe, I would never use that shit on Team Capital.


    Original price was: $1,097.00.Current price is: $41.00.
  • Jarrad Hewett - Vibrational Sound Therapy - All 52 Tracks

    7th dimensional energies

    2017 is the start of a brand-new cycle, in energy. It’s what’s known numerically as a 1 year, which easily translates into a One Year — The Year of You! Unfortunately, these “One” cycles can sometimes start off with a “bang” as the old cycles out, and we collectively begin taking our next steps.

    Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $51.00.
  • Neale Donald Walsch - Awaken The Species

    Perhaps you have noticed the deep ideological divide humanity struggles with today.

    Some of us build bridges to unite – while others erect barriers to divide.

    Some of us choose love and compassion – while others hide behind fear and hatred.

    Some of us strive to contribute and honor a higher purpose – while others chase temporary and selfish gratification.

    Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $56.00.
  • Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruner - Tapping Into Ultimate Success - Gold Edition

    I understand that the ‘Tapping into Ultimate Success’ system is digital, and I will go straight to the registration page after ordering to set up my account to access the complete product on-line.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

    Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $51.00.
  • Frank Kinslow - Quantum Entrainment Essential Healing Package

    (It is highly recommended that you already know how to do the QE Triangulation Technique or the Refined QE technique. You can learn QE from the “Learn QE” audio download or from many of Dr. Kinslow’s books, CDs, webinars or workshops.)

    Original price was: $1,465.00.Current price is: $133.00.
  • Irene Lyon - The NEW INNER GAME

    I’ve done those programs that doll out a pre-recorded call, and then offer handout after handout, where you fall behind and never actually do the program content. This program is different.

    Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $133.00.
  • Eric Thomas and Associates - Breathe University

    A holistic approach to success, involving a series of intimate instructional sessions with Inspirational Speaker and Life Strategist, Dr. Eric Thomas. Study along with him as he delivers strategies on how you can move from where you are to where you know you should be through videos, mp3s, community discussion groups, access to live Q&A’s facilitated by Eric, and other tools and resources that you can use to help transform your life in the areas of:

    Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $81.00.
  • Emotional-Mental Detox

    Shed Density
    Raise Your Frequency
    Master Your Thoughts and Emotions
    Upgrade Your Subconscious Programming

    The Emotional-Mental Detox can help you:
    Eliminate the emotional/mental causes of illness and injury, allowing your body to begin healing itself.

    Original price was: $397.00.Current price is: $71.00.
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