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Marketing a book seems to be full of nothing but unpleasant, confusing chores that rarely reap results.

Just the technology alone is overwhelming:

  • Setting up even a simple website can be expensive and frustrating
  • It can take months to figure out all the social media platforms …



Unlock exclusive learning opportunities with the Instant Bestseller Course 2014 – Tim Grahl and Jeff Goin course at esys[GB]. Explore expert insights, advanced techniques, and practical applications from world-renowned instructors in your chosen field. Empower your growth and career with our curated collection of over 70,000 courses from top authors such as John Overdurf, Conor Harris, Tony Robbins, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and more.

Want to become a successful author in 2015?

Let me help you learn how marketing really works.

 Marketing a book seems to be full of nothing but unpleasant, confusing chores that rarely reap results.

Just the technology alone is overwhelming:

  • Setting up even a simple website can be expensive and frustrating
  • It can take months to figure out all the social media platforms
  • How do you even start to get an email list set up?
  • Or get an image placed correctly into your blog post?

But it’s not only the technology that causes us problems.

There’s all kind of things working against us when we’re trying to put our book out into the world. 

Worse yet, it’s not even the work itself that’s the biggest problem—we’re willing to work hard and put in the time.

What really gets in the way is that damn little voice in our head.

“I don’t know where to start!”

“I’m not focused enough.”

“I’m too introverted.”

“I don’t know what to write about.”

“I’ve already failed at everything else and this will be just the same.”

“I’m too busy.”

“It won’t work for me.”

“I’m not smart enough.”

“Or talented enough.”

“Or interesting enough.”

“Or successful enough.”

The fear is always there, chomping at our gut.

During the launch of my book, I kept a journal documenting the entire process. Then, a couple months after the launch, I released the whole thing for people to read. It’s now been read by thousands of writers.

This is the line that has stood out the most for them:

“I want to be the author that sells a lot of copies of his book without having anyone actually buy and read it.”

Yes, the writing process can often be a hard and grueling task.

Yet the most terrifying moment of all is when you actually put your work out into the world for people to start judging it.

At that point, you have no control. They literally can say anything they want about it! They can post a 1-star review on Amazon for all the world to see!

Even worse—and here’s the core fear—if I start putting my work out into the world, people are going to realize the truth.

The truth that I’m a fraud.

That I’m a bad writer.

That I’ll never be good enough.

That this whole being a writer thing is just a stupid fantasy.

I get it. I’ve been there with my own writing and I’ve talked to hundreds of writers about these same fears.

And here’s a secret I’ve learned along the way…

There’s not a writer alive who doesn’t deal with those same fears and doubts.

I’ve worked with a broad range of authors, from topNew York Times bestselling authors to those just trying to get their first project off the ground, and they all deal with those same paralyzing fears.

So why don’t we all just give way to those fears, hunker down and “stay safe”?

Too many writers are already doing that. So let’s step back for a moment and consider our options.

If you’ve been at all paying attention to how publishing works these days, you’ll have very quickly realized that the whole marketing/author platform/selling your book situation is up to younow.

Nobody—not your publisher, your publicist or your website guy—is going to do it for you.

And if you don’t do it, the outcome is pretty disastrous.

I’m not even talking about money. While you obviously want to make money with your writing, you didn’t get into writing just to get rich. There are lots easier ways to make money.

No, the first thing that occurs if you don’t actively market your book is shame.

You’ve been working on that book for months or years. Everybody in your life knows you’re working on a new book!

So then, when it comes out and nobody buys it . . . what now?

People are going to ask. “How’s your book doing?” And what are you going to say?

It’s embarrassing, when everyone you know is aware that you’ve put a new book out, and it’s not selling.

There’s also the feeling of failure.

You’ve put so much time, energy and heart into your writing, only to find that it doesn’t do what you hoped it would do—move people. Lots of them.

When you start thinking about all the time you’ve spent on writing, editing, rewriting, advertising, it quickly becomes very depressing.

And I haven’t even mentioned the worst part about your book not selling.

The worst part is: it’s finally out in the world, butnobody is reading it.

You see, my life has been changed by books. My life is better because of books.

Think back to the times when you read some of your favorite books.

The first reading experience I remember that really affected me powerfully was when I read Jurassic Park as a kid. It both terrified and delighted me in a way that is still with me to this day.

A decade ago when I was sitting in a closet office at a job I hated, I picked up a copy of Purple Cow by Seth Godin, which set me on the path to becoming a writer and entrepreneur.

The worst part about your book not selling is not the sudden lack of fame or wealth.

It’s that people don’t get to read it.

And because of that, their life lacks some of the shine, some of the magic, maybe some hope and encouragement they would have gained if they had read it.

And of course, we now have to talk about the money.

After all of that work and investment, you want to actually get paid.

It’s OK to want your book to make money. Because if it does make money, that will allow you to keep writing!

So how can you get away from that embarrassment, failure and loss of income?

You have two clear options here:

  1. Give into the fear—write your book, put it up for sale and hope it sells.
  2. Learn to conquer the fear—learn how to do the marketing using simple, proven methods—and put out a book you know will sell.

Big difference.

And if I ask 100 authors which they would choose—hope their book will sell or know their book will sell—all of them will choose the latter.

So what holds people back from actually carrying that out?

One day not long ago, I was sitting on a train heading into Washington DC, getting ready to share a crucial plan with my biggest client.

I was about to show him how we were going to take all the work we’d done for the previous three years and use it to launch his book as an instant bestseller.

On the overhead shelf was my flipchart with my plan sketched out in black Sharpie. In front of me were my notes. I was going over them for the twelfth time, wondering if I’d missed anything.

I felt like all of my work for the previous three years had led up to this point, and I was scared that I would blow it.

New York Times bestselling author Daniel Pink had told me that he was foregoing his usual book launch strategies.

He was trusting my strategies alone to make his book a bestseller.

Like many authors, he’d had success in the past. But there was no guarantee he’d repeat it.

He needed a way to ensure that all of his work would pay off, to guarantee a bestseller each time he launched something new.

So he’d hired me to build his platform and direct his launch.

When he’d first hired me three years earlier, I had some good ideas on what it would take to build a platform that would guarantee bestseller status, but didn’t know if any of those ideas would work.

So for the next three years, I worked with Dan to build his author platform and connect directly to his readers. We worked hard, and when we launched his book To Sell Is Human, we saw that work pay off in a big way.

It quickly hit #1 on the New York TimesWall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller lists—all at the same time.

My campaign was the determining factor behind the book launching so high—higher than any of Dan’s previous books.

You’d think I’d be excited at the prospect of creating a gangbuster. And I was. For a little while.

Then I thought, “Well, maybe it was just a fluke. Maybe his book would have hit #1 without my efforts.”

Thankfully, I got a chance to test my methods again a few months later, when I ran the book launch forDecisive by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.

Once again, they didn’t hire a publicist or any other outside firm. They just hired me.

The result? An instant #2 New York Timesbestseller.

That same week I had not one, not two, but fiveclients sitting with bestsellers, all at the same time.

My clients Daniel Pink, Hugh Howey, Charles Duhigg, Chip and Dan Heath, and Michael Moss all had books on the New York Times bestseller list that week.

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Finally, I let myself fully realize the truth: This stuff works!

After three years of work, I finally had real-world proof that the author platforms I was building produced real results! Validation is a wonderful thing.

“But,” you’re saying, “of course it works for traditionally published authors getting huge advances! But what about me—a no-name author just getting started?”

I was thinking the exact same thing last year, when I launched my self-published book Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book.

I had a very small platform, because I’d spent nearly all my time building my clients’ followings instead of my own.

I had less than 3% of the number of readers many of my clients had.

Understandably, I was even more nervous now. What if my book about book marketing was a flop? Could there be anything more embarrassing?

Once again, even small efforts to build my author platform paid off big time.

My book immediately jumped to #1 in all of its Amazon categories. 

This included the extremely competitive Business & Investing -> Marketing category.

I also became a Top 5 Business Author on Amazon.

Since then, my book has hit #1 in its categories dozens of times, and I sold more than 10,000 copies in the first year alone.

More validation.

So here’s what I’ve learned after launching dozens of books and working with more than 100 authors:

Building an author platform to launch a successful book is something any author, in any category, with any level of fame can do.

But what about the fear? you’re asking. What about all of those voices that are holding me back from becoming successful?

When I was just starting my business, my fears constantly tripped me up. I was afraid I wouldn’t make any money, which would encourage me to “escape” business chores and not do any work, which of course would only worsen my predicament.

Fear kept me from doing the things I knew I needed to do in order to be successful.

I kept thinking that eventually the fear would go away, that my confidence would soar, and my success along with it.

Then, with the help of a good friend, I realized the truth.

The fear never goes away. You just have to learn how to work through it.

And the way to do that is to have a system in place.

He taught me that the way to work and produce while being afraid is to know exactly what I should be working on and how I can go about doing it well.

I might be afraid to write that big proposal for a client, but once I had a system in place for writing proposals, I could just get it done and get it out.

This is what Instant Bestseller is all about. 

It’s about putting you in a place where all of that swirling, confusing, annoying advice about marketing tools—Twitter, Facebook, blogging, podcasting, advertising, emailing—all dies down, and you know exactly what you should be doing.

Yes, some doubts will always be there—but what if you had a system in place that allowed you to quickly and easily start building your author platform?

What if you knew exactly what you should be working on, to connect with new readers and sell books?

Welcome to the Instant Bestseller Course

Instant Bestseller is the only online course that has already been proven to work for hundreds of authors.

It’s enabled the sales of hundreds of thousands of copies of books in every genre, both fiction and nonfiction.

Five modules provide you with step-by-step lessons in proven methods, walking you through every part of the process with ease and confidence.

You’ll gain the exact strategies, tools and systems that will help you: 

  • Establish your fan base
  • Connect with them easily and regularly
  • Continually grow that base
  • Predictably sell more books

So how is Instant Bestseller different from other courses?

There’s a glut of author advice out there. Most of it has two basic problems:

  1. It’s based on a method that worked for just oneauthor, not many authors.

    Just because that one author was successful with that method doesn’t mean that you will be.

  2. It’s based on untested “expert theory” instead of real-world experience.

    The content in Instant Bestseller has been tested in real life numerous times, and has made instant bestsellers for authors across all genres and experience levels.

The course fully addresses vital issues such as: 

  • How to use social media to build your platform—we explain our method using case studies and specific tests
  • How to increase your fan base—we show you step-by-step how to find new readers and connect them to your writing
  • How to handle the technology—we give you both the tools and the direction to create an online platform easily and successfully

And so much more…

Inside Instant Bestseller

When I built the Instant Bestseller course, I focused on making a system that any author could start implementing immediately.

I broke it down into a step-by-step, easy-to-follow system, so you can jump right in and start benefiting from this method as soon as you start using it.

Module 1

  • How to redefine marketing
  • The business side of writing and books
  • How “Systems” will make your life easy
  • Tools, blueprints and planning
  • How to know what is working and what is not

Module 2

  • How social media really works
  • Your #1 marketing goal (hint: email)
  • How to connect with thousands of readers
  • When to send emails and what to write
  • The tested and proven ways to get more readers

Module 3

  • How to save time creating new content
  • Where to find ideas for what to write
  • How to get the most out of your content
  • When to send emails and what to write
  • Creating a content plan that works with your schedule

Module 4

  • Where to find new readers
  • How to connect with influencers
  • How to pitch the right way
  • Getting the most out of live events
  • Step-by-Step plan

Module 5

  • 8 ways to build your platform successfully (pick the one that works for *you*)
  • Case Studies of authors and how they’ve found success
  • Avoiding common pitfalls

Accessing the Course

  • 40+ video lessons
  • All lessons available as audio MP3 download
  • Entire course optimized for mobile phones, tablets, etc.
  • PDF, spreadsheet and other resources available as downloads
  • 3 year unlimited access plus updates, upgrades and additional conte
  • There are basically two paths you can take:
  • You can hope your book will sell, or
  • You can know your book will sell

In all the work I’ve done over the last six years with more than 100 authors, I’ve learned what works amazingly well and what doesn’t work at all.

I’ve gone out into the world, tried everything I can think of, learned by trial and error, and figured out the most effective, time-saving ways to connect with readers and sell more books.

And now, I’ve put everything I know into this newly upgraded course.

You can keep going the way you’re going—a few unstructured, unproven actions here and there. But if you’re still reading this, you know you need some help to get you where you want to go.

This course is the help you’ve been looking for.

It will help you cut through all of the misinformation out there, work on the things that actually work, and get you the results you’ve dreamt of.

To get started, here’s what to do:

  • Take a look at the three options below
  • Click the button next to the one that’s right for you
  • Fill in the short order form

Once you do this, you’ll get immediate access to the course and everything listed above, plus period email check-ins from me, to make sure it’s all going well for you.

Do you want to sell a lot of books? 

Then I highly recommend you take this step now!

See you there!

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Instant Bestseller Course 2014 Tim Grahl and Jeff Goin - eSys[GroupBuy]
Instant Bestseller Course 2014 – Tim Grahl and Jeff Goin
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