Unlock exclusive learning opportunities with the Carlos Xuma – How to Talk to Women course at esys[GB]. Explore expert insights, advanced techniques, and practical applications from world-renowned instructors in your chosen field. Empower your growth and career with our curated collection of over 70,000 courses from top authors such as John Overdurf, Conor Harris, Tony Robbins, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and more.
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Purchase Carlos Xuma – How to Talk to Women courses at here with PRICE $94 $30
Carlos Xuma – How to Talk to Women
VIDEO MODULE 1: Foundation & Secret Keys
- 3 key areas that impact how your conversation goes with women – and you would never guess that these would make or break your conversations with women…
- Discover the one subject you must use when you talk to women that builds the deepest rapport – and ironically you would never think to use…
- How a woman intuitively guesses how confident you are when you’re talking to her, and how to use this to your advantage in any conversation so you come across as the “dominant” male…
- There’s a lot of theory and “models” and methods out there, but for the first time you’ll know exactly what ONE thing you need to focus on most when you talk with women – and if you don’t get this one thing, you will never get the girl…
- The 3 Core Elements of Conversation – which I will teach you to use effectively – and in the right order…
- I’ll show you the big mistake that guys make when they try to get a woman to have fun that sabotages the connection between them, and usually leaves him alone at the end of the night…
- The concrete evidence to look for to know if your “banter” with a woman is working…
- What you don’t know about “being funny” and using humor with women – and how most other guys fail to get a woman interested when they make this critical error…
- You’ve probably heard about “push-pull” when you talk with women, but do you know how it REALLY works? When and how do you do this? I’ll teach you all the techniques, and why this is the most misunderstood area of attraction…
- The one part of conversation and attraction with a woman that you cannot fake! If you do, she’ll see right through you instantly. Do it right and you can avoid feeling vulnerable and exposed…
- Your one single “Supertool” for keeping control of the conversation, and controlling how a woman feels so that things don’t go haywire when you’re in the middle of talking to her. This is your “Undo” button for the conversation…
- The one technique you must use before trying to gain a woman’s trust… this is why most guys fall into the friends zone too quick…
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO MODULE 2: Fearless Flow – Conversation Confidence
- How hard should you work to get her talking to you? You may even wonder if she’s even into you at all. I’ll teach you how much effort to put into talking to women, and what to watch for to tell you when to stay and when to go…
- Why women play hard to get in conversations, and how you handle it…
- The part of the conversation you should be focusing when you approach women, and how a conversation can be lost in the first 20 seconds if a guy doesn’t know how to handle this one key area…
- How long the “opener” should last, and where you MUST go right away after you’ve started the conversation if you want to keep her interest…
- How “approach anxiety” is created – and it has nothing to do with your approach! This is how to get yourself talking with women without feeling like you have to puke every single time…
- Do you ever wonder if you’re too laid back? Too fidgety? How much excitement is enough? I’ll explain this in the section on “Conversation Flow and Dynamics…”
- One Simple Finishing Technique that – if you start using it now – you’ll double or triple the number of approaches that turn into a date – and first-time dates that turn into another one…
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO MODULE 3: Effortless Communication:
How To Never Run Out Of Things To Say
- How to win the inner game of conversation – why guys have problems talking to women and how to get past your inner mental blocks and anxiety in conversation with women…
- Ever had that “panic” attack in a conversation where things are going great, and then suddenly you just run dry of things to talk about? I’ll show you exactly why this happens to you, and what to do to erase it from your mind…
- The two factors that sabotage most approaches guys do – and how you know when you’re sabotaging yourself with women…
- Getting better with women is sometimes about changing what you’re doing so that you do what works. But how do you know when NOT to change your approach with women? I’ll tell you this, and why a lot of “pickup artists” do much worse than average guys when they make this mistake…
- The “Placebo Principle of Pickup” that shoots guys in the foot before they know what’s happened when they talk to women…
- ONE simple tool and principle that you can put to use right away, and dump 90% of the stuff you’ve learned to say to women – and get ten times more success with what you use…
- The Secret of Fast Exchanges – and how this technique works in real conversation with women…
- The primary difference between “masculine” and “feminine” conversation – and how guys can use her “inner language” to build massive attraction and deep connection with her – even if she just met the hottest guy in the room before you…
- My own “KT” Technique spelled out and explained completely (with examples) that you can use to keep talking and never run out of things to say…
- The simple “Fall Back” Tool I used for all my nights out talking to women – and how I used it as an “emergency chute” to keeping the conversation flowing and clicking…
- I’ll pass on to you the “Laugh at the Elephant Trick” – my one simple method for handling an unexpected silence in a conversation with a women where you’ll both end up laughing about it together… (and if you don’t have this – or another – technique to handle this, you’ll have failed a big test with her…)
- If things slow down in you conversation, you need TOOLS to get you by. I’ll show you my seven sure-fire tested ways to restart the fire of conversation with a woman when the flame begins to die out…
- Women often put up a defense by keeping their distance when talking to you. I’ll show you how to use “A.Q.” to get her more invested and involved in your conversation…
- Guys often wonder how to reach a woman on an emotional level. I’ve got One drop-dead simple question to ask a woman in every conversation that will completely cement your bond with her – Memorize this one and USE it…
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO MODULE 4: How To Be A Master Storyteller
- One of the most important things to add to your stories is detail. These elements literally transform the most boring story into something she will want to hear. But do you know WHICH details to use? I’ll show you – AND I’ll give you an example of the kind of detail that works ten times better than any other – and I’ll explain why it works so well…
- The one element that makes your stories work on a whole different level. I learned this trick from the great fiction storytellers out there, and you can use it, too. I call it “Honesty in Fiction” – and I guarantee you’ve never heard this secret element of storytelling before. I explain it in Video 3…
- 7 Important Elements to communicate in your stories to maximize your ability to communicate yourself to women. If you get even half of these into a story – which I’ll show you how to do – you’ll have no problem hooking her attention for as long as you want…
- Examples of stories that you can model and use as a way to understand the structure of storytelling and the components of them…
- A lot of guys don’t know what to talk about with women. Having stories to tell is essential to have your ace in the hole. I’m going to give you 7 Critical Questions that will instantly tell you the best things to create your stories from…
- Discover 4 Practices that will get you understanding the minds of women – and how to tailor your stories for maximum impact with every woman you talk to…
- The big reason you never – EVER – want to memorize your stories – and the best way to rehearse them before you use them…
- How to make your stories fit into any conversation and not feel like you’re forcing them in…
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO MODULE 5: How To Make Women Laugh
- A lot of guys wonder why women are so into a guy with a sense of humor. I’ll break down the reasons why humor is so attractive to women, and what it communicates to her about you – and why you MUST be able to make her laugh in the conversation…
- Heard of cocky humor? It works like a champ, and I’ll show you how to use it with examples. And the deadly poison of conversation can also be using this humor, so I’ll show you why and when you don’t want to use it – most guys really blow it here! (But you won’t anymore…)
- 6 types of humor and how to use them with women, and how NOT to use them…
- The 2 critical parts of using humor with women that most guys don’t realize makes them completely UN-funny. If you fix these two, you’ll blow away 90% of your competition…
- A lot of guys overdo their attempts at humor and come across as clowns – or WORSE: the woman can’t take you seriously. The one great example you can use to learn how to pace yourself is something I explain in this module…
- Oh, and I’ll also explain my easy 4-sentence technique to “fix” things if you do go too far and offend a woman when you’re being playful and funny. You never need to worry about going too far again…
- I used to be really bad at showing my “funny” side to women, and they didn’t know how to interpret me, and then it would get uncomfortable. Ever had that happen? Well, I’m going to show you how to avoid this happening ever again…
- The best way to be funny is to not have to BE funny all the time. In fact, I’m going to teach you my number one method for being funny that takes NO effort on your part, and you’ll always be the funniest guy around. You’re never going to have to “force your funny” anymore!
- Why “super serious guys” really suck with women – and how you can avoid that trap forever and never come across as the guy who “can’t take a joke…”
- I’ll teach you my 6 primary types of cocky humor that I use with women, and give you multiple word-for-word examples so you can know how they work, and you can either use mine, or create your own. Think of this as your “funny construction kit…”
- The secret to telling jokes so that you 1) don’t mess them up, 2) have the maximum impact, 3) tell the right kind of jokes, and 4) don’t wind up as “joke guy” – the one guy who tries too hard to be funny (and everyone just laughs to be polite…)
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO MODULE 6: Conversational Tools & Tactics
- Good conversation with women needs fuel. I’ll show you how to create that conversation fuel from thin air so that even when you’re talking with a woman in your least confident state – you never feel like you’re at a loss for something good to talk about…
- In this module, I’ll reveal the technique I use to find laser-targeted “seeds” for things to talk about – with 8 specific examples of how to learn more about her and keep her talking about herself all night long – AND building attraction along the way…
- I’m also going to share one of my personal ways that I use my cell phone to keep a woman interested in me, and dying to learn more about me. Any guy can use this one and have an endless supply of “bragging rights…”
- 4 ways to use the very place you’re standing to create fun conversation on the spot – and 2 “divination” tools to read her personality and get her more into talking with you than anyone she’ll meet in the next week. (One of these is the one I’ve been using for the last 6 years to screen out the women to avoid getting involved with – you need it…)
- Get ready for this: You’re also going to learn my “Perpetual Conversation Technique.” This is how you can free-flow your own Natural conversation with any woman anywhere. No more crutches or fake lines. I’ll walk you through the same technique I use to come up with interesting things to talk about with women…
- I’m also going to share with you two conditioning techniques that I use to keep my conversation ability sharp and focused, and you can do them on your own at any time – with 3 specific examples of how I use them…
- And MUCH more… ($79.97 Value)
VIDEO BONUS – MODULE 7: Phone Conversation Tricks & Tips
- One of the questions I hear all the time is “When should I call her?” Well, I’m going to explain the exact time to call women, and when you DO NOT want to call a woman for maximum impact. (And I’ll tell you how guys who fake this one usually destroy their chances…)
- The one thing to ask a woman at the start of every phone conversation. Absolutely a MUST…
- I find that the mistakes that make it hard for a guy to start a relationship with a woman started with the LITTLE things. I’m going to teach you the one thing you want to say before you get started talking on the phone to condition a woman to your high-value and get her to treat you with respect right at the start…
- If you hear this one thing in her tone of voice, you want to get off the call with her right away – I’ll tell you what to listen for…
- The 2 types of phone calls you will have with a woman – If you know what your purpose is in advance, you will instantly know how to handle the conversation. I’ll explain these two types of calls in detail for you, and how you treat each one…
- If you talk too short with a woman, you risk not keeping her interested. When you talk too long with a woman you bore her and reduce attraction. How long do you want to make the call to be the most effective? I’ll tell you the magic number, and why it works so well…
- She can’t see you on the phone, so you have to learn how to use your vocal tone. I’ll give you a very simple exercise that will keep her GLUED to the phone waiting on every word…
- The most important tone you can have when you first start talking with a woman. I’ve found that 9 out of 10 guys gets this one TOTALLY wrong and winds up completely shooting himself in the foot. I learned about this when I was a telemarketer, and I’m passing the secret on to you…
- One word you must NEVER mention on the phone with her. Ever…
- The way to turn a “denial” for a date and turn it around. Again, guys typically react the wrong way when they don’t get the reaction they want, and this small tweak to your phone game will save 50% or more of the women you want to meet up with again…
- Ever start talking to her voicemail and you sound like that guy in the movie “Swingers?” You know, you trip over yourself, and then you think you’ve made a mistake, so you try and fix it, and you’re doing this all on her voicemail and feeling dumber every second. I’ll give you 3 examples and 3 ways to leave a message – complete with exactly what I say…
- And MUCH more… ($69.97 Value)
VIDEO BONUS – MODULE 8: Email & Electronic Conversations With Women
- Ever start emailing a woman, and then she just seems to lose interest really quickly? I’ll show you the BIG mistake a lot of guys make using email with women that spoils their plans and works against them…
- 8 of my e-communication laws you can’t afford to break with a woman…
- The 2 subjects you must never bring up in email or any electronic communications. (I see men doing this so often that I’m amazed there isn’t a special public service announcement sent with every new email account.) Trust me – you never want to do this one…
- Social media is the big thing these days, and it’s a necessary part of your networking to meet women. I also have one special tip for guys that will save you a LOT of grief down the road, and this is one mistake you might not catch until it’s too late. (This one works in the “real world,” too, so you should use it all the time…)
- I’m throwing in one of my cheap psychological tricks that works like gangbusters. It’s not really a “trick,” but it’s one thing that I don’t want YOU to get caught up in when it’s used on you, so I explain how to manage the critical element of TIMING your messages for maximum effect…
- And another of my cheap psychological tricks – this one is so simple that you’ll kick yourself for not using it sooner, especially since this one will virtually guarantee she’s thinking about you when you’re not around…
- And MUCH more… ($89.97 Value)
VIDEO BONUS – MODULE 9: How To Text Flirt With Women
- I once vowed to never text a woman if I could simply call her up. But it’s gotten to the point where you can’t avoid using text messaging as a way to connect with a woman. Chances are, you know that texting is now an essential part of communicating and talking to women. I’m going to share some of my top techniques with you on how to text women – and how NOT to text them!
- One text test you can do with a woman in your texts to figure out how much she’s into you…
- It’s tempting to use texts like email, but this is a BIG mistake. You want to communicate only certain things in texts, and there’s one thing you use texts for when you’re building a relationship with a women (or women.) There is also one thing you do NOT try to do with your texting – and you will be tempted to do it….
- How to use “Non-Sequitur Humor” with a woman (online and offline) that really works up her attraction for you – as well as re-connecting with her on a very consistent basis. I’m even giving lots of examples of this one so you can understand it and use it for yourself…
- The power of “Crystallization” with women – and the one thing you must do with every text session that ensures she stays up late waiting to hear from you…
- I’ll give you my “Turnaround Tactic” for text messaging women – and this one will help you pass tests you might not spot her sending you in text messages…
- 29 word-for-word, high-octane, KILLER teasing text messages that you can use to really drive up a woman’s attraction and curiosity for you. These texts have been tested and proven to practically guarantee a woman will text you back – or call you back a minute after she reads it…
- And MUCH more… ($69.97 Value)
Banter & Teasing Workshop
- In order to establish a fast and solid connection with a woman, you have to give her a reason to stand there and talk to you. AND you’ve got to answer the one BURNING question in her head. I’ll tell you what that question is, and the best way to answer it…
- One of the first things a woman does when you walk up to talk to her is test you, and the first thing you have to be able to do is PASS her test! I’ll show you how to do that with banter, including what to say to test her back, as well as the one thing guys do to mess up the first 20 seconds of a conversation with a woman…
- Guys like to have a whole arsenal of things to use in conversation. I’ll teach you the big mistake guys make when they “over prepare” for talking to women, and why it sinks your ship…
- I’m going to give you my “X-Treme Technique” for banter with a woman. I’ll explain it, why it works, and give you a few examples to use…
- I will teach you my “Tag-line” Technique for banter. This one does two things at once – it gets her laughing, and keeps her laughing – AND it also creates a shared sense of connection with you every time you use it. And once you set it up, you can use it for as long as you know her. (And I’ll show you how to connect this method with another technique to really double the impact…)
- The first test that a woman gives you – how it works, why she does it, and how to annihilate it with my “Breakthrough” technique.
- Every so often, you need to really turn on the juice in the conversation to get things interesting. I’m going to explain my “Doing Shots” method of really exciting a woman…
- And when you want to really drop the Atom Bomb in your conversation to take it to the next level, you can use my “Pushing Perception” technique. This gets a woman into you like nothing else because it’s like putting down a Royal Flush on the table in a poker game.
- I’ll share with you my all-purpose, re-usable, “Get out of jail free” card for conversations. The best part is that it helps you get past any screw-ups you make, even if you offend her by mistake. And if you aren’t using this, you’re actually losing respect and attraction when you handle mistakes the wrong way…
- The big mistake most guys make when a woman starts talking about sex – and how you avoid it…
- And MUCH more… ($69.97 Value)
Movie “Pickup” Analysis
- In this mystery bonus, I’m going to take a classic KILLER approach scene from a movie and break it down for you. This is one of the best all-time cocky, confident, devastating openers in a scene that completely captures a woman’s attention.
And it’s TRUE TO LIFE. I’ll also go over a few other scenes to help you spot these examples for yourself – and why they work so well…
- ($49.97 Value)
- I’ll give you a complete transcription and reference ebook with notes from the entire program all laid out for you. You’ll also get practice sheets you can use in each section, with the important points highlighted. No need to take notes, and you can even put this on your smart phone for reference – everywhere you go!
- ($89.97 Value)
Master Attraction Blueprints: How To Talk To Women
- You’ll also get a copy of all the reference blueprints that I cover in the program so you can see exactly how all the concepts connect, as well as have all the notes and important points listed for you. This is an invaluable reference that I’m including that you can print, or just reference on your computer or phone… (69.97 Value)
Purchase Carlos Xuma – How to Talk to Women courses at here with PRICE $94 $30
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