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"Sick of Struggling with the Same Issues Over and Over Again? What If a Simple Tapping Technique Was the Secret To Attracting All the Health, Happiness, Money and Freedom You've Always Been Looking For?"




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"Sick of Struggling with the Same Issues Over and Over Again? What If a Simple Tapping Technique Was the Secret To Attracting All the Health, Happiness, Money and Freedom You've Always Been Looking For?"

Purchase 2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package courses at here with PRICE $197 $52

"Sick of Struggling with the Same Issues Over and Over Again? What If a Simple Tapping Technique Was the Secret To Attracting All the Health, Happiness, Money and Freedom You've Always Been Looking For?"

From the Desk of Nicolas Ortner

Dear Friend,

I'm excited that you've made it this far.

What you're about to discover is information on a simple and effective tapping technique that can radically change your life.

In fact, this information is so powerful that over 300,000 people registered to learn how to use it during the 2011 Tapping World Summit which just ended on March 2nd.

And on this page I'll share some of the amazing stories of transformation, growth and healing that so many of the participants shared with me so you can see exactly why Tapping is so life-altering but before I do I want you to ask you a question…

What would if be like if there were absolutely no limitations or barriers on your life?

What would it be like if you lived without negative emotions like fear, anxiety or anger and without limiting beliefs, traumas, negative patterns or any of the other internal blocks that hold you back from achieving what you want?

You see every person is capable of achieving their dreams…

And I'm here to tell you a simple truth that hundreds of thousands of people just woke up to that you can discover as well…if you're ready to finally get want you want…

Get 2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package – Nicolas Ortner, Only Price $47

You can have, be or do anything you want in life when you clear out the underlying negative blocks that hold you back…and removing these blocks can be done faster than ever before using a simple tapping technique known as EFT or Meridian Tapping

Now you may be wondering if it's even "realistic" to believe you can have everything you want in life. Experience may lead you to believe that it's not possible for you. Having unlimited wealth, health, happiness and freedom may just seem like a "positive thinking" idea to you.

And I understand where you're coming from. I believe that as culture, as a society and as a world, that we've "lowered the bar" on what's possible in our lives. You see, when everyone around you is miserable, complaining about their aches and pains, their debts, their misfortunes and when the media is bombarding you with one story after another of so called "news", then it's easy to believe that this is just the way of the world.

But I know that if you dig down deep, to your core, to that deep place within you, that you'll see what I and so many others that I work with have found…that having what you want in your life is 100% achievable.

I know it's possible because I've experienced transformations in myself and in others that I previously wouldn't have believed.

I've seen pain disappear in minutes. I've seen people turn around their finances in a matter of months. I've seen people with debilitating depression that was dragging them down for years be able to regain their energy, vitality, strength and happiness.

I know it’s VERY realistic to be healthy, happy and abundant!  I love what I do.  I love communicating with you and sharing these incredible tools that are taking the world by storm.  

Now, it wasn’t always this way for me.   When I first learned about Meridian Tapping, I was doing work that I found extremely unfulfilling.  I found myself in cycles of debt and wealth.  I found myself missing passion and energy for my work and I couldn’t see a way out.  

So what did I do?

I used Tapping, CONSISTENTLY, to clear out the negative emotions, the limiting beliefs, even the small daily challenges until I found myself in a place of peace…and you can too.

And that's why I orginally made my documentary film "The Tapping Solution" and it's why I created the first ever FREE "Tapping World Summit" in 2009. I wanted other to see the same results that I was seeing.

When I began tapping doors started to fly open.

Ideas flew in from the ether.

The right people and opportunities knocked on my door and MOST importantly, I had done the INNER WORK to be able to make the most out of them.  

For me the joy continues every day.  The passion is higher than it’s ever been before.  And if I ever hit a speed bump… Tapping!

You see, the initial event portion of the 2011 Tapping World Summit which went for ten consecutive days between Monday, February 21st, through Wednesday, March 2nd, was FREE. Every night there were 2 presentations…all 100% FREE to listen to.

And these FREE sessions were available for ONLY 24 HOURS after their initial broadcast.

The reason I structured it this way was because I wanted everyone to be able to access the information at least once, regardless of their financial ability.

We covered the tens of thousands of dollars in streaming costs to be make that happen so that we could reach as many people as possible…

And the results that people have achieved in just those ten days has been amazing.

I've seen countless "one minute miracles" with Tapping both in this event and in the past. I'm astounded every time someone gets a dramatic result in minutes. But what is MOST exciting is when I see somebody apply this tool to transform ALL aspects of their life.

How can YOU do this? How can YOU be joyful, abundant, happy and at peace with the world and everyone in it?

By CONSISTENT application of these powerful tools.   

The word CONSISTENT is the key here.  (that’s why I’m capitalizing it!)  

If you want dramatic results in your life, then you’ve got to make a decision.

It’s a very simple one:

You either ignore this, close it out, and go put on the TV or do something else to distract yourself.


You take action, use these powerful tools and live that life you’ve always dreamed of…

It’s really very simple and I’m not going to sugar coat it.   As a culture, we make too many excuses for what’s wrong, why things aren’t working, why our life stinks!

Sure, there are outside circumstances and significant challenges we all face, but at the end of the day, it comes down to YOU and YOUR choice.

You see, the TV will distract you for a while…. The ice cream or cookies will give you a brief high, if you can get over the guilt… But then you’ll come crashing back down, repeating the same patterns as before.

It's Time to Break Those Patterns! :

I believe in you. 

I believe you have an inner strength and knowing that would astound all the people who think they “know” you.  

I believe you can have what you want in your life.

I believe you can feel GOOD in your own body.  I believe you can feel GREAT in your own body!

I believe you can clear these limiting beliefs that have held you back for way too long.

I believe you can follow your passions and make your dreams come true.  

Now it’s time for you to believe in yourself.

Here are All of the Presentations You'll Receive in CD or Digital Format…

The Basics – An Introduction to Tapping

Nick Ortner

Quick Start Guide

In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • How to take advantage of this event to get the best results
  • A behind the scenes look at the Ortner siblings and their passion to spread this technique
  • Tap along to begin the event feeling ready to take your life to the next level

Carol Look

Introduction to Tapping

In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • Step by step instructions on how to tap
  • Why one technique can help with so many different challenges
  • What to do when you aren't getting the results you want
  • How to know what to say and focus on while you're tapping

Dawson Church

Tapping and Modern Science: The Science Behind These Astonishing Results

In this incredible interview you will learn:

  • The new scientific explanations for the success of tapping
  • How tapping re-wires our brains and deactivates old conditioned thoughts of stress or trauma
  • Astonishing information on the real reason why tapping can work on "everything and anything"
  • The research on using EFT for athletic and personal performance

Get 2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package – Nicolas Ortner, Only Price $47

How to Attract More Money Into Your Life Using Tapping

Margaret Lynch

Making the Leap From Debt to Financial Wealth

In this vital session you will learn:

  • Powerful Strategies for Tapping into Wealth Using EFT and The Law of Intentional Attraction
  • The four kinds of money and why it’s critical that you understand each one
  • Tapping to eliminate the "Silent Scream of Debt"
  • How to address your finances feeling clear and calm

Carol Tuttle

Tapping Into Abundance: Breakthrough Techniques for Busting Through Your Money Barriers

In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • New perspectives on how the beliefs of your ancestors are affecting you today
  • The #1 core issue that is keeping you from making the money you want
  • How you can tell if the tapping you're doing is working
  • The best questions to ask yourself to determine your beliefs about money and abundance (and clear them once and for all)

The Truth About Living Pain Free – The Tapping Miracle

Carol Look

The Vibration Of Exceptional Health: Managing Pain with Tapping

In this amazing session, you'll learn:

  • Why, and how, tapping has produced such significant pain relief for so many people
  • That limiting beliefs can also affect your health and cause pain, and how to overcome them
  • The 4 steps to using EFT to address pain in your body
  • How to get amazing results by tapping for just 5 or 10 minutes a day

Rick Wilkes

Back Pain Relief! How You Can Finally Find the Relief You've Been Looking For

Got back pain? In this important session, Rick will be explaining:

  • How so many people have found relief to otherwise "incurable" back pain, through the use of EFT
  • How to discover what beliefs and emotional issues may be contributing to your back pain, and what to do about them
  • Simple but effective ways to use tapping for instant back relief

The Real Secrets to Weight Loss with Tapping

Sandi Radomski

Overcoming Cravings For Food

Are there times when you don't mean to eat something (or so much of it) but you just can't stop yourself? If cravings are sabotaging you from your health goals then listen to Sandi as she teaches you:

  • That we all have a genetic / biological imprinting for cravings, but there are ways to counter it
  • Techniques to overcome the barrage of advertising and media hype around processed, addictive foods
  • Effective tapping techniques to stopping cravings from ruling your life!

Jessica Ortner

Releasing The Emotions That Keep You Stuck and Overweight

In this startling interview you will learn:

  • Why diet and exercise alone won't keep you healthy and thin
  • The questions that help you discover what is really keeping you stuck and how to clear it
  • How your body literally transforms when you stop measuring your worth by the number on the scale
  • Steps to ending emotional eating

How to Use Tapping to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams

Stefan Gonick

The Barriers to Love

In this moving session Stefan will discuss:

  • How the memories of your parents' relationship can block your ability to find the relationship you deserve and how to clear that block
  • Why your own limiting beliefs have a powerful impact on your relationships
  • The impact of the Law of Attraction, and why it may not be working for you – and how to use it correctly!
  • The secrets to finding your ideal partner

Sasha Allenby

Improving The Relationship With Your Significant Other

Sasha will share some incredible insights into:

  • Why programs downloaded subconsciously in your childhood may be affecting your current relationships
  • The three key areas of our relationships that we all need to focus on
  • How to use EFT to free yourself of any negative conditioning you may have, and live and enjoy your present relationships to their fullest

Life's Greatest Challenges – How to Master our Emotions with Tapping

Stacey Vornbrock

Mastering the Emotion of Anger

In this advanced session Stacey will reveal:

  • Why so many people are truly addicted to anger
  • Amazing protocols to release this cellular need for anger
  • The dangers of repressing anger
  • How to express your anger in ways that will benefit you and everyone around you

Tapping For Anxiety Relief

Steve Wells

In this content-rich interview, you will discover:

  • What causes anxiety, and why does tapping work so well to reduce it
  • How to tap, when to tap, and what to tap on for the best results
  • How to improve test and performance results by reducing your levels of anxiety
  • How to improve your decision-making skills
  • The secret to tapping unobtrusively to reduce your anxiety while you're in a public setting.

Straight to the Top – Tapping in the Workplace

Pamela Bruner

Increasing Productivity: How to Finally Accomplish the Important Tasks You've Been Putting Off

In this invaluable session you will discover:

  • How to clear the cause of procrastination in the workplace
  • How to tap away the "productivity killers"
  • Techniques to implement that will make you more efficient
  • How to work smarter instead of harder

Kate Beeders

Redefining and Recreating Work Relationships for Maximum Success And Enjoyment

In this fascinating session, you'll learn:

  • Learn how to immediately transform your experience with your "boss"
  • The "vent" tapping technique for greater clarity and progress
  • What to do when you feel stuck and overwhelmed at work

Living with An Open Heart – How to Use Tapping to Help Others

Brad Yates

Tapping With Children

Teach the children in your life a fun way to manage their stress and feelings. Tapping can be fun and easy! In this interview Brad Yates will help you understand:

  • Why tapping with children is different than with adults
  • How your own tapping can help you better support a child
  • How to make tapping playful and effective

Julie Schiffman

Using Tapping to Help Other People

Want to help a friend? In this session Julie will answer the most common questions about working with someone else:

  • When is it appropriate to use EFT to help another person?
  • Do I need to be an expert?
  • How do I get started?
  • What questions should I ask?

Get 2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package – Nicolas Ortner, Only Price $47

The Modern Day Balance – How to Do It All and Thrive with Tapping

Lindsay Kenny

Ending Procrastination Once and For All

Procrastination may seem like a small problem but it has a massive impact on every aspect of our life. In this session you will learn:

  • The two types of procrastinators – and which type are you?
  • Why we procrastinate, and what hidden payoffs it provides for us
  • The 7 steps to stamp out procrastination once and for all

Mary Ayers

From Zero to Hero: Using Tapping to Fly Into Action

In this masterful interview you will:

  • Learn the secret key to why you're not doing what you want to do
  • Learn tapping steps to bust through fear once and for all
  • Understand why "pushing through the fear" every time isn't sustainable
  • Pick up effortless action strategies for maximum results

Harnessing the Law of Attraction to Get Everything You Want in Life with Tapping

Pat Carrington

Clearing The Hidden Blocks to Receiving What You Want

We have a longing for more but what if that longing has come with the inability to receive? What happens if what we truly want is not congruent with what we feel we can receive? Let Dr. Carrington show you:

  • The #1 mistake most people make in applying the Law of Attraction
  • How to uncover the limiting beliefs you don't even know you have!
  • How to clear fundamental societal beliefs about receiving

Nick Ortner

Using Tapping to Help Achieve Your Goals

In a unique presentation by the producer of this series, you will learn:

  • Nick's personal approach to the Law of Attraction, and how it helped him reach his dreams
  • How "deconstructing" a goal or a dream can help you to achieve it
  • The 4 steps to deconstructing your goal
  • How tapping can help you break down the barriers to real success

Integration Day – Bringing It All Together To Create the Life of Your Dreams

Jessica Ortner

Personal Peace Procedure (Brand New!)

In this revealing audio you will be guided to answer questions that will help you gain clarity on what is holding you back and what to target with your tapping. This powerful process will help you create an action plan to clearly identify and clear what is limiting you. You'll leave the Tapping World Summit having not only made miraculous changes but also with a clear understanding of how to use EFT in your future for lasting personal peace.

Integration Process

Take everything you learned in the summit and integrate it at a deeper level by tapping along with this audio. When you need a reminder of all the amazing things you learned in this summit revisit this audio and reignite your passion to create the life you deserve.

Get 2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package – Nicolas Ortner, Only Price $47

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2011 Tapping World Summit EFT Platinum Package
Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $52.00. Add to cart