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[ Pre-Order ] Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions – Anrita Melchizedek’s…

  • A deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine.
  • Knowing that the Pathway of Divine Love is our birthright, and the ability to flow into the Center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
  • A deeper more integrated connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and God through the recognition of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life…




Unlock exclusive learning opportunities with the Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions – Anrita Melchizedek’s course at esys[GB]. Explore expert insights, advanced techniques, and practical applications from world-renowned instructors in your chosen field. Empower your growth and career with our curated collection of over 70,000 courses from top authors such as John Overdurf, Conor Harris, Tony Robbins, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and more.

Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions – Anrita Melchizedek’s

Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions - Anrita Melchizedek'sExperience nine beautiful masterclass transmissions by Anrita Melchizedek. Each 90-120-minute transmission focuses on the Diamond Light Codes and/or DNA Upgrades and Light Body activation.

Each masterclass comes with two Mp3 downloads – one with music and one without.


  • A deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine.
  • Knowing that the Pathway of Divine Love is our birthright, and the ability to flow into the Center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
  • A deeper more integrated connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and God through the recognition of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.
  • Releasing of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment and separation.
  • Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all emotions.
  • An increased number of synchronistic events start to occur in our everyday lives as the veils of illusion lift and we see clearing through our Master eyes knowing that we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.
  • Perceptual shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.
  • A sense of no-time, no space ~ linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.
  • Bringing in of multidimensional memories of our Highest Potential in parallel realities through the merging of our multidimensional Selves and Christed Timelines.
  • Increased creative gifts and a greater color spectrum visibility.
  • Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.
  • Increased abilities to manifest and magnetize all that we need in any given moment.

Transmission #1
The 12 Diamond Light Chambers of the I Am Avatar Race

Two-hour Masterclass

WE ARE TRANSFORMING at an accelerated rate in this Now Moment, bringing up all that needs to shift personally and on a planetary level as we release the old and bring in the new. In the midst of the next level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and expansion, we hear the calling as the I AM Avatar Race, as the awakening and awakened Souls upon this sacred earth. We step forward to deepen our mission as we energetically reset the timelines of the highest potential for Mother Earth and all her Life.

The focus of this next shift of Cosmic Christ Consciousness assists in resetting the focus for all Life upon this sacred earth as we deepen into the Patterns of Perfection. As we come together as One Heart and One Love, we experience the Diamond Light codes spiraling forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, through the Central Sun, through the Galactic Center and through and into this Solar System and onto this sacred earth, amplified through the Legions of Light from On High and our Beloved I Am Presence.

In this transmission the Star Councils come forward to bring through the luminosity of the Diamond Light Chambers that take us deeper into Self Enlightenment and Self Mastery as we experience the New Earth Templates as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

The Sisterhood of the Rose additionally step forward to deepen the flow of Divine Love within our Christed hearts through their beautiful Flames of Light, and following this, the Star Councils bring in their Diamond Light Chambers, multidimensional, multicolored Light Chambers linking us through and to all dimensions of Light. Connecting into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and our Beloved I Am Presence.

As we integrate the qualities of the I Am Avatar Race, we are further presented with the opportunity to activate our Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field through all dimensions of Light, into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God.

This is a powerful energy technique that will take us deeper into unconditional Love and the experience of Unity Consciousness, also called the Ninth Dimensional Light Body/Merkaba activation.

Come join us in this powerful Diamond Light Chamber and Light Body Activation as we experienced a collective sense of Self Mastery, knowing how deeply we are loved, celebrated and appreciated. Knowing the importance of our beautiful, vibrating Light as the Flames of Divinity We Are in shifting the consciousness of all Life upon this sacred earth.

Transmission #2
The Arcturian Diamond Octahedronal Unity Templates

Galactic support for Mother Earth
Two-hour Masterclass

As we deepen into the stillness of our loving heart as One Heart and One Love, feeling and sensing with deep compassion and awareness how we are expanding our Light work during this Now moment of Cosmic Consciousness, whilst holding the Flame of Divine Love for all those experiencing anxiety, loss and fear during this global pandemic, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light step forward to offer to us the Arcturian Diamond Octahedronal Unity Templates. The Arcturian Diamond Octahedronal Unity Templates are created with energy patterns, sound waves, color and sacred geometry holding aspects of the Light Codes of Creation and amplified through the diamond ray frequencies and Adamine crystalline particles of Unity Consciousness Overlighted by our Beloved I Am Presence.

As we connect into the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love through the Overlighting of the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light, we initially anchor and activate the Arcturian Diamond Octahedronal Unity Templates as a beautiful Diamond Octahedron around Mother Earth’s Light Body.
The Arcturian Diamond Octahedronal Unity Templates then anchor and activate through our loving hearts and around our bodies, as well as through the hearts of all awakening and awakened souls consciously participating in the Divine Co-Creation of the 5th Dimensional New Earth Crystalline Grid.

As we end this session, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light further offer to us a 5D Crystalline Cloak of Light. The Arcturian 5D Crystalline Cloak of Light is able to contain numerous Light programs of Light as well as assist us in raising our vibration and shifting our thoughts and feelings as we embrace the full range of emotions within our loving hearts. In essence, this is a multidimensional Light cloak containing numerous light programs that create frequency and dimensional remodulation to align our frequency to the Cosmic Heart of Divine Love, and can be likened to a master crystal with unlimited points of Light.

Join us in the beautiful transmission with the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light as we amplify the Light of God upon this sacred earth and through the hearts of every man, woman and child. And so it is, and so it shall be.

Transmission #3
The Diamond Heart and Galactic Healing Pod Activations

Two-hour Masterclass

Through the Gateway of Divine Love, as the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence spiraled forth onto this sacred earth, New Angelic Templates of Divine Love and Healing were birthed through the Diamond Heart of all Awakened Souls, offering us the opportunity to truly release and heal the wounds of perceived separation with open hearts, whilst shifting any karmic relationships with partners, ex-partners, mother, fathers and children in particular. Additionally the Diamond Light codes ignited within the body, bringing online the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades and further to this, taking us into the Emotional Energy Centers of the body to purge and clear all that was ready to be released, embraced, accepted and appreciated.

As this clearing continues and the dance into higher dimensional timelines reveals, we explore the Emotional Energy Centers of the body more deeply, to clear the remnants of old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full range of our emotions. Overlighted by our Beloved I Am Presence, the Archangels and Christed ET’s, we travel along the Christed Timelines and into karmic timelines to the source of each false belief or physical dis-comfort/dis-ease, and through our Diamond Hearts we love all that arises, seeing the perceived value in each unique experience.

Additionally, at each Now moment of origin of these false beliefs, dis-comforts and/or dis-ease, our Beloved I Am Presence and the Christed ET’s surround us in a Galactic Healing Pod, assisting to activate specific Light frequency spectrums to turn off the gene code of the dis-ease or false belief so it no longer activates or re-activates in this now.

This is a beautiful telewebinar transmission of Invocations, Affirmations and personal sharings, in the celebration of ourselves as these Flames of Divinity and in the creation of the pathways of Divine Love for ourselves and others. And so it is.

Transmission #4
The I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition

Two-hour Masterclass

Join Anrita Melchizedek in this wonderful I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes Ignition telewebinar transmission, as we enter into the Diamond Light Portal as Flames of Divinity and Conscious Co-Creators to the Divine.

In this masterclass we experience the Diamond Light Codes or Resurrection Codes of the I Am Avatar Consciousness igniting thru the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness. As this God activated ray of purity and innocence blazes through and into each sub-atomic particle upon this sacred earth and within the hearts of all humanity, we merge with our Beloved I Am Presence, Soul and Star Family, rebalance our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits and come deeper into unity and community. New mission codes and prosperity codes come online in conscious communication and loving relationships, and we deepen into a new flow of harmony, grace and ease, walking the path of the diamond, the path of Love.

We then activate our Trinity Lord’s Shield of Light and following this, ignite the I AM Avatar Diamond Light Codes through our Rainbow Light Body. This unique diamond activation creates the perfect Templatings and Blueprints of the I Am Avatar Race, attuning us to the Diamond Light Codes and Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as Conscious Co-Creators and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

A wonderful telewebinar transmission, taking us deeper into our Christed Hearts, and the Path of Divine Love, as we experience a new sense of CommUNITY and authentic expressions of our Selves.

Transmission #5
The 12 Star Councils Galactic DNA Template Activations

Two-hour Masterclass

Join Anrita Melchizedek in these sacred Galactic DNA Template Activations, as we experience the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution.

As we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, we have the possibility to traverse numerous Golden Ages of Light within our Golden Rose Galaxy. In these unprecedented activities of Light, 12 Star Councils come together as we receive the photon-gamma Light particles traveling at the speed of Light from and through the Galactic Center, in this “wave” of evolution, to activate our Christed ET DNA Templates, as we are taken deeper into the New Earth Templates and Universal Akasha.

These Star Councils are: the Alpha Centaurians, the Venusians, the Vegans, the Arcturians, the Antarians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Orions, the Pleiadians, the Niburians, the Meldekians and the Brotherhood of the Light High Council. Traveling in our external Merkaba Vehicles of Light, and Overlighted by these Star Councils, we enter into the appropriate wormholes and Ascension Seats of each Star Council. In these Ascension Seats, and Light Rays of each Star Council, we are placed within DNA Recoding Chambers of Light, as we experience the activation of the axiatonal lines, fire letters, the Galactic DNA Codes of Light and the merging and integration of our Christed ET Selves.

The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points through each Star Council creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to potentially actualize the Galactic DNA Templates through the original Divine Eight Blueprint as well as connect us to our Christed ET Selves. Further to this, the axiatonal lines assists in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body as our chakras start to merge in One unified column of Light.

Transmission #6
Activating the Multidimensional Layers of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA

Two-hour Masterclass

Join us in the New Earth webinar with a beautiful activation of the multidimensional layers of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA. This truly is the time to amplify our sacred Light ever deeper upon this sacred earth and accelerate into the next level of our Soul’s blossoming, magnificence and Light.
In this heartfelt telewebinar transmission with Anrita Melchizedek, we consciously attune to 12 multidimensional layers of the DNA that unveil the codes of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA, as we bring our focus to our Divine Blueprint, Life’s mission, our Higher Selves and Multidimensional Selves, the Inner Plane Councils of Light, Diamond Crystalline Infusions, the Diamond Light Body and the Heart of Love. Additionally, we clear family, ancestral and genetic karma to allow the purification of the Diamond Light and Crystalline New Earth Templates to recalibrate our bodies and energy field for the purpose of Soul embodiment.
These multidimensional Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA activate the various Light codes of creation and the Patterns of Perfection and assist us in the integration of our beautiful Diamond Crystalline Light Bodies and the process of Soul embodiment, BEING the Love of GOD WE ARE upon this sacred earth.

The 12 multidimensional layers of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA are as follows:

  • This first layer connects us to our Divine Blueprint
  • This second layer unveils a deepening sense of our purpose, our Life mission and the belief in ourselves as starseeds, wayshowers and New Earth facilitators walking the Path of Love
  • The third layer connects us deeper into Self-Love through purification and detoxification of the body and energy field, as we align to the Heart of Love
  • The fourth layer adjusts the vibration of the DNA through the solar flares, photonic rays and cosmic rays as we clear family, ancestral and genetically inherited karma
  • This fifth layer clears old cellular memories, addictions, false beliefs and judgments no longer serving us through spinning the sub-atomic particles within the body to the quantum field of Light through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun
  • The sixth layer adjusts the light vibration of the rainbow light body through kundalini activation and chakra recalibration
  • The seventh layer connects us deeper to our Beloved I Am Presence and the merging with our higher selves and multidimensional selves
  • The eighth layer connects us deeper to the inner plane Councils of Light and Ashrams of Light
  • The ninth layer assists us in viewing the Akashic Records and the drawing to us timelines of our Highest Potential
  • The tenth layer activates our advanced ESP gifts through the Heart of Love
  • The eleventh layer infuses the body with the Diamond Crystalline Plasma Light to rejuvenate and regenerate and heal the body
  • The twelfth layer commences a recalibration, activation and integration of the Diamond Solar-Plasmic DNA encodings for the Diamond Light Body Activation

Transmission #7
The 12 Pleiadian activated 5D Gamma Rays and Liquid Light Plasma Portals

Two-hour Masterclass

Join Anrita in this magical telewebinar, as we activate our Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light and experience the 5D Gamma Rays and Liquid Light Plasma spiraling forth from the Great Central Sun, the Central Sun and Sun, directed into 12 Pleiadian activated Portals of Light within and around the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the multiverse. As we shift into embodying higher energetic frequencies through alignment to the Divine, our physical bodies transform in this process of rejuvenation and regeneration, and we are able to conduct plasma light, and change the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon based into the less dense compound of silicate. This occurs through the changing of the number of electrons that are bonded to our atomic and subatomic structure. With this, we create the Diamond Crystalline Plasma Light Body and experience soul embodiment, our physical ascension process.

The Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light have stepped forward at this pivotal moment of Humanity’s Forward Evolution, directing the flow of the Liquid Light Plasma into the ionosphere for the purpose of propelling us deeper into the fifth dimensional templates of Divine Love.

To assist in this momentous Now moment in accelerated Cosmic Consciousness awareness, we are invited to activate our Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield to amplify our Light frequency and draw upon the energy of these 12 Celestial Portals that are bathing this sacred earth through Mother Earth’s primary vortices and sacred sites.

The Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield is a sphere of Light radiating around the body and energy field 77 feet in diameter around us, with an inner energy sphere approximately 7.2 feet in diameter around us. The Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light recalibrates and restructures the lower bodies, organs and body parts in particular light frequencies, sacred geometry and sonic vibrations, to bring about rejuvenation, healing and rebalancing. With this, the Liquid Light Plasma can flow through these Celestial Gateways into our chakras and bodies with maximum effect. Additionally, the Pleiadian Quantum Rejuvenation Shield of Light protects us from environmental toxins, polluted energies and harmful electromagnetic radiation.

As we draw upon each Celestial Stargate Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, we will experience these beautiful invocations whilst anchoring and activating the energy of each portal and template through our bodies and energy fields and into the hearts of all awakening and awakened Souls.

Transmission #8
Christed ET’s DNA Recoding Session

One-and-a-half-hour Masterclass

Join Anrita in this powerful telewebinar session as we recode the 12 Strand DNA with the “Star Ki” codes working with the Christed ET Councils and the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light.

To deepen our connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and multidimensional Selves as we walk the pathway of Divine Love, in a Divine Dispensation given by the Galactic Council of Light, twelve beautiful Star Councils come forward to encode our DNA with new Master Blueprint Templatings and the creation of new synaptic pathways within the brain and through the master glands.

Through the “Star Ki” codes, we are able to experience the higher vibrational field of the New Earth Templates of Unity Consciousness as well as access a deeper level of our Divine gifts.
We are taken in Soul Consciousness into a Pyramid of Light around the Light Grids in Antarctica holding these Christed Extraterrestrial encodings of Light, and from here, connect through Portals of Light to each one of the Star Councils.

These Star Councils are:
The Alpha Centaurians
The Venusians
The Vegans
The Arcturians
The Antarians
The Sirians
The Andromedans
The Orions
The Pleiadians
The Niburians
The Meldekians
And the Brotherhood of the Light High Council

In streams of Light, these Christed ET’s and High Council Members will recode the “Star Ki” codes contained with the DNA through 12 Chakra Crystals above the crown chakra and from here, activate these Chakra Crystals into the 12 primary chakras within our bodies and energy fields.

We are given particular invocations and affirmations at each “Star Ki” encoding level, activating the primary quality of each “Star Ki’ code and enabling a deeper sense of our multidimensionality as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light, whilst also clearing, rebalancing and re-aligning our lower bodies.

Transmission #9
Angelic Template Activations and Light Body Embodiments

Two-hour Masterclass

Join Anrita Melchizedek in this beautiful telewebinar transmission as we deepen into the expansion of our Light Bodies, take on new service roles on the inner and outer planes and experience greater levels of peace and joy through the Angelic templates activating at this time. As more Souls experience soul embodiments, the merging with our Higher Selves and multidimensional aspects, our Light Bodies radiate and expand into the Multiverse. Through this, we draw to us the new 12-D templatings anchoring and activating at this time, bringing forth new Galactic and Multiverse Light codes as well as Diamond Solar Plasma DNA upgrades.

In this beautiful transmission, the Sisterhood of the Rose ignites and activates the Flame of Divine Love ever deeper within our loving hearts, while connecting us to the Temples of the Rose. This expansion releases the remnants of old patterns, false beliefs and judgments, going into the secret chambers of the loving heart as we experience the first of three Light Body Templates, the Human Energy Body, awakening to the Soul, awakening to our magnificence and Light. The second Light Body Template we experience is the Rainbow Light Body, in which we are the conduits of God’s Divine Love, dreaming into creation the service roles most supportive to our Light work as we merge with our Higher Selves and continue to clear old programs at a cellular level while remaining within the loving compassionate heart. The third Light Body level we experience is the Diamond Plasma Crystalline Light Body, which takes us into the merging and integration of our Beloved I Am Presence, where all is One, and all is Light. New Earth is a constant reality and all that we need, we instantly manifest as the Light of God/Goddess That We Are.

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Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions - Anrita Melchizedek's
Diamond Light Codes and DNA Upgrades Nine Beautiful Transmissions – Anrita Melchizedek’s
Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart